Walk in the footsteps of your ancestors
Professional Genealogist Helen Kelly can help you trace your Irish Ancestors.
Welcome to Helen Kelly Genealogy
This site offers an overview of the services provided by professional genealogist, Helen Kelly.

Over the past 25 years, Helen Kelly has carried out a great deal of family history research on behalf of international clients.
What Our Clients Say
Helen – I just wanted to thank you for your recent wonderful lecture on Irish genealogy. I have attended many such lectures over the past 2 years, and I have to say yours was my favourite. You are so enjoyable to listen to. Keep up your great work!
S. Nolan – Co. Meath – January 2018
As the grand child of Irish immigrants, I grew up hearing stories about my family back in Ireland. Our family was of modest means and being born in 1963, I did not grow up with the easy communication we have today. My family was exceedingly proud of its Irish heritage and I think my dad would have LOVED to know his first cousins in Roscommon. We have toyed with Ancestry.com, but never made much progress. It is in this context that I was so delighted to learn about Helen Kelly, the Shelbourne Genealogy Butler. With some modest information from me, Helen unlocked a magical world of family history. She provided me with wonderful information as well as the tools to dig deeper. My hour with Helen was the high point of my trip to Dublin and I have already referred her to friends.
M. Langan – USA – February 2018
The fond but vague interest I felt for my Irish roots became defined, and even urgent, when my close relatives were no longer around to tell precious family stories. I had little information when I set out to find my grandfather´s tracks. By some stroke of luck, I landed at Helen´s doorstep at the very outset. Her knowledge and enthusiasm were instrumental in my finding and connecting with a family history that has changed my life. And her understanding of the significance of these journeys is an added value to the excellent service she offers.
Cristina Abaca – Belgrano, Buenos Aires, Argentina